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Exiting a Put For Parity Near Expiration

By Lawrence G. McMillan

Often at expiration, an option trader will have in-the-money options that need to be either exited or rolled. Market makers know this and purposely widen the spreads in the market so that the bid for the option is below parity. On expiration day, the option has a value of at least parity so the astute trader must always make sure he exits the position at parity or higher. For a put, parity is the strike price minus the underlying price.

McMillan's Tools to Gauge the Stock Market (Video)

In this MoneyShow.com interview, Lawrence G. McMillan talks about "how he measures the market's overbought and oversold status." Larry discusses breadth oscillators and modified Bollinger Bands, and details calculations and provides signal pramaters. Watch the video at Moneyshow by clicking the image below.

Stan’s Option Challenge: Question #4 (Free Month of The Option Strategist)

We all know that trading options is exciting, highly competitive, and can be very profitable. The key to long term and consistent profits in option trading is options education.

McMillan's Tips on Trading Volatility (Video)

In this MoneyShow.com interview, Lawrence G. McMillan discusses "how he trades volatility in today's markets and what strategies he has found to be the best." Larry talks about volatility ETFs and ETNs, the relationship between the VIX index and VIX futures, hedging, directional trading, and VIX spike peak buy signals. Watch the video at Moneyshow by clicking the image below.

Are Naked Puts for You? (Video)

In this MoneyShow.com interview, Lawrence G. McMillan "discusses why selling naked puts does not have to be as dangerous as many option traders may think." Larry explains why he prefers put-selling to covered writing, how he locates put-selling opportunities and what situations to avoid. Watch the video at Moneyshow by clicking the image below.

The Option Strategist Newsletter Volume 23, No. 03 Preview

By Lawrence G. McMillan

The CBOE has launched what may prove to be a very useful product – short-term $VIX futures ($VXST). The feature article discusses their terms and their potential usage. Also, there are comparative charts with $VIX and $VXST. If volume is decent, this should be an excellent product.

Stan’s Option Challenge: Question #3

We all know that trading options is exciting, highly competitive, and can be very profitable. The key to long term and consistent profits in option trading is options education.

Stan’s Option Challenge: Question #2

We all know that trading options is exciting, highly competitive, and can be very profitable. The key to long term and consistent profits in option trading is options education.
